As it turned out, he did go downtown with his whole geography class. He mentioned many places where I have already brought him and his brother. He said he saw many familiar places.
As a Toronto woman with limited knowledge of my own city I tried to somehow explore those city streets with the boys.
I culturalized them in my own little way and let them see parts and bit and pieces of Toronto. Kensington, Chinatown and Queen St. West were among the streets we observed and did a few hours walk and shop. I brought them to watch "The Legend of Kungfu" in Royal Alexandra Theater two years ago. These little downtown sight seeing helps me to show them that Toronto has many things to offer and enjoy. They won't be so ignorant ,other than what they learn from their field trips from school. They know that subway is tricky but once you just try to look at directions you will get the hang of it. They were taking bus since they are in Grade 4 by themselves. Their independence is paying off. They are confident in traveling by themselves.
We flew and stayed to many countries such as Malaysia,Singapore,Thailand and the US.
I am confident that they will continue to love visiting many more countries as they grow up.
I culturalized them in terms of seeing,tasting and being in many places with many cultures that are amazingly intermixed beautifully. Now, that's learning!